1. ročník soutěže Ultralehkých balonů – Lety v Letech

1st September to 10th September

4 days of competition from 6th to 10th 

Pod záštitou pana senátora Jiřího Oberfalcera, paní hejtmanky středočeského kraje Petry Peckové, Prezidenzta Letecké Amatérské asociace pana Aleše Trtila a obce Lety

The village Lety is 30 minutes from Praha , capitol of the Czech republic, by train, 20 minutes by car.

There will be 4 days of completion flying. There will be an addition prize for the best home-built balloon.

Entry fee £200

Free gas supplied on competition days; on other days it will cost £0.60p per litter

Accommodation at the “Pivotel MMX” hotel and brewery

– single room rate CZK 1200  £ 40 per day at today’s exchange rate

– double room rate CZK 2150 £ 73 per day at today’s exchange rate

The all prices are quoted as at today’s date and may vary.

The landowners are generally friendly, but it is better not to drive your vehicle onto agricultural land but to carry the balloon to the road, if possible. You will be provided a letter in Czech to show to any landowners, and we will of course be available to help you in unlikely event of a problem.

The weather in the end of  April is usual stable and we should be able to fly most,  if not all, days. 

In the unlikely event of the weather is unsuitable, we will arrange a trip to Praha or a local Castle or other place of interest. There is lots to do in this region.

Getting to Lety by car from Calais – Brussel – Frankfurt – Nuremberg – Pilsen.  The quickest route takes around 10 hours 15 minutes, a total of 1 095 km.

Depending on the where you start from in the UK you will probably want to make a stop somewhere on your journey. We would recommend a night stop  between Calais and Frankfurt to break the journey. 

Please book your place as soon as possible, we are expecting a lot of entries.

Please contact  Jan Smrcka, honza@balony.cz, +420 725 806 667 for an entry form and any further information that you require.  

Download application form